Free marketing tips and services for leisure and tourism organisations

Marketing events and festivals:

There are many reasons why events and festivals are set up and just as many variations in how they are financed and marketed. It's arguable how useful it is to compare the majority as the individual context is key. However, there is a great deal the creative marketer can do to achieve the objectives set by organisers, whether it's a major, established annual festival or a one-off event. Seed money, passion for your area of interest accompanied by charisma and a flair for networking can get you far. Proper planning and a professional marketing approach will take you much further.

 Ten must-do's when marketing events and festivals:

  • Identify your potential audience and its key characteristics
  • Carefully select an appropriate date(s) advising other event organisers so as to avoid event clashes
  • Set out the primary benefits the event or festival offers your core potential audiences and sponsors
  • Develop a detailed, calendar plan of marketing activity with targets and costings
  • Create a distinctive brand reinforcing key messages and using 2-3 two killer visuals/Tiktok friendly videoclips
  • Ensure long lead-in times for inclusion in annual guides, media listings and to attract sponsors
  • Drip-feed media with updated programme details, great copy and images
  • Identify and engage with relevant social media communities while developing your own sites
  • Use questionnaires to inform and justify future event planning, promotion & sponsorship
  • Build in data capture and segmentation enabling personalised communication for future events


 Ten great tips for promoting events and festivals:

  1. Maximise your use of statutory and paid for road signage to pre-promote your event
  2. Join on a short-term basis your local tourism agency and lobby hard for maximum support
  3. Offer free tickets or VIP access to local tourism businesses in return for marketing support
  4. Run press calls at least three months and then just prior to the event in line with media needs
  5. Distribute customisable posters and advertisements to tour and coach operators
  6. Encourage local hotels and guest houses to develop themed packages with fast-track entry
  7. Persuade local business leaders to adopt the event theme in shops, attractions & restauarants
  8. Pre-publicise a Facebook/WiFi meeting area/free mobile charging service   
  9. Set up and push event & post-event image and video gallery postings on social media sites   
  10. Nothings succeeds like success so follow up every event with a positive news release
If you would like further advice and support for attracting more visitors, please contact: